Sunday, September 14, 2008

Raining Cats and Dogs and Ikes....oh my!

Every time there's a hurricane down South, we catch the remnants of it a few days later. That was the case last week when the residual rain from Gustav came through the evening before I was to leave for my trip to Toronto the next morning. As a result, I ended up mowing in the middle of a torrential downpour. What was I to do? I got out my lawnmower and the sun was out, but by about halfway into it, I was soaked to the bone with rain. Since I had to leave the next morning, I had no choice but to finish in between bouts of monsoons.

But anyway, back to's REALLY pouring out there! Thank God it's Sunday and everything I have to do is indoors anyway. But those poor people in Texas...I feel for them. I can't imagine what it would feel like (nor would I ever want to) to come home and find you have nothing to come home to. Talk about devastation! Louisiana still hasn't crawled completely out of the disaster from Katrina, and now the Southern border is being battered again.

I also read of places that have $5/gallon gas prices now. Talk about extortion and gouging at the expense of the middle and lower income people. Isn't it bad enough to face the economy, weather, etc. as it is, without making it impossible to buy gas as well? The day we have to choose between putting food on our table or putting gas in our car so we can simply drive to work and back, is well past the day we need a change. I didn't vote for Bush four years ago, and I'll be damned if I'm going to vote Republican this time. They're nothing but a bunch of crooks.

Okay, time to go make some breakfast. At least I have food in my kitchen (can't say the same thing about having gas in my tank right now, though).

1 comment:

greyeyegoddess said...

Isn't that awful! I just couldn't believe the prices of gas going up like for those people. So much for the government trying to help it's people, by not regulating pricing. If anything, they should be lowering the prices so that people can get out.

I'm in the same boat...have food at home, car is only 1/4 tank full.